I been away for a hell of a long time, coursework and exam revision has had me tied up over the last few weeks. This blog is hardly a good piece of writing and i doubt it will even make that much sense, but i thought i would just raise a little point...sorry ladies
"pretty, witty, girly, whirly
one who likes to party but come home early
light kinda dark, short sorta tall
slim, kinda thick I swear I love 'em all"
Girls, Girls, Girls, i do adore..And i dont even discriminate i like 'em all. But i damn well don't understand them. I remember the days when i was in primary school chasing girls around the play ground with the aim to kiss them, it seemed so easy back then. You would have a girlfriend and you would let her wear your jacket or give her one of those 20p rings from a machine, you would break up with ease, didnt have to worry about dates and not once did they ever come across as the complex beings they would later turn in to.
But then things change up real quick, you get to secondary school, girls start developing breasts an attitude and begin to read glamour magazine and men have to deal with complexity that at times seems harder then brain surgery.
I will not go on the long rant i was going to, but i was just wondering about my personal favourite type of female at the minute...
The Danity Kane chick, these are the girls who blame everything their last man did on their new one because they are DAMAGED. I know its hard to get over ex's and stuff, but to bring your baggage from a old relationship to a new one and expect a guy to just to fix it is just short of being crazy.So why on earth do so many girls continue to do it?
If you find it that hard to put your trust in someone new, then i think its quite obvious that you aren't ready start a relationship. By putting blame on a new relationship or automatically thinking all guys are the same you are only condemning yourself to more heartache. And more often or not, you will lose out
Basically all im trying to say is....Where in the line of playing kiss chase and having 20p rings, did you come out to be confused/difficult people whose sole aim in life is to confuse a man.
Thats all folks...
Confessions Of A...
15 years ago