To many, Slavery ended when the emancipation proclamation was issued in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln's government. Whilst the emancipation proclamation was indeed a landmark act that gave slaves freedom in the eyes of the law it did truly signal the end of slavery in America or any where else in the world for that matter. To think that slavery ended with this act by the US government, overlooks the importance of an issue that is still evident around the world. Whilst the slavery that existed hundreds of years ago was clearly visible to everyone in society, modern slavery is much more inconspicuous, existing in various forms all over the world.

Below is a list of the forms of modern slavery that still plague our world. (Take from Anti-Slavery International)

Bonded labour affects millions of people around the world. People become bonded labourers by taking or being tricked into taking a loan for as little as the cost of medicine for a sick child. To repay the debt, many are forced to work long hours, seven days a week, up to 365 days a year. They receive basic food and shelter as 'payment' for their work, but may never pay off the loan, which can be passed down for generations.

Early and forced marriage affects women and girls who are married without choice and are forced into lives of servitude often accompanied by physical violence.

Forced labour affects people who are illegally recruited by individuals, governments or political parties and forced to work -- usually under threat of violence or other penalties.

Slavery by descent is where people are either born into a slave class or are from a 'group' that society views as suited to being used as slave labour.

Trafficking involves the transport and/or trade of people -- women, children and men -- from one area to another for the purpose of forcing them into slavery conditions.

Worst forms of child labour affects an estimated 126 million** children around the world in work that is harmful to their health and welfare.

And you would be wrong to assume that these forms of slavery are confined to developing countries with corrupt political systems. In the United States and United Kingdom, thousands of women and children are trafficked every year for the purposes of sex and work. Furthermore, multinational companies often use slave labour as a means of producing goods (knowingly or not it happens).
Perhaps what will be most alarming to people is that, according to Free the Slaves, there are currently more people in slavery now than at any other point in history.
In its 400 years, the transatlantic slave trade is estimated to have shipped up to 12 million Africans to various colonies in the West. Free the Slaves estimates that the number of people in slavery today is at least 27 million.
. With this in mind it must be a top priority of governments around the world to fight modern slavery, and uphold the promises that were made when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were adopted by the United Nations in 1948.

Organisations such as Anti-Slavery International and Free the Slaves work continuously hard to highlight slavery that still exists today, but everybody needs to stand up and take notice of the exploitation that millions of humans face every day. Only then will slavery truly be a thing of the past.

Here the website Matador Change highlights ten disturbing facts about slavery in the 21st century.

Blogging etiquette tells me this is getting long so i will just end it with..

Slavery is not history!

For more information on slavery visit



Obama, Obama...

Obama is supposedly caught here admiring a young ladies bum, while French president Sarkozy gives him and all knowing look. Lets hope Barack doesn't do a Clinton on the American people.

I have read comments that because he took a look at her bum, he is somehow a disgusting woman hater. EL EM AY OH, people really have too much time to think out these silly thoughts.

Peace & Love.


"BNP Babes"

On some of the funniest things that you will ever read are posted. Today it was this something, taken from Vice Magazine blog, this article is hilarious yet rather scary at the same time. Prepare to slap your forehead in frustration and shake your head vigorously...

What’s the best thing about living in Britain today?
I hate Britain, and I want to move to Spain in the next couple of years, ‘cos our country’s not England anymore. It’s very rare for English people to live here anymore. When I went to Lanzarote, I felt more English there than I do here, and that’s no exaggeration.

But won’t you then be an immigrant too?
Yeah but the answer to that is I would go over to their country and respect their country. I wouldn’t go over there and try and do suicidal bombs [sic]. The immigrants that come over to this country should be making this a good country and proud of it and helping this country, but most of them don’t.

The rest of the interviews can be read here..

This article would of been done sooner if I had not been enjoying the luxuries of New York City. (One of the top two cities in world, no debating).

Anyway, on to the matter at hand. I had to jump on the "bandwagon" to express my thoughts on his influence and its been a long time since i blogged...

On the 25th June 2009, the world lost perhaps its greatest musical icon. To some his title of the King of Pop is undisputed, to others he was a wierdo who should have been locked away and they can not begin to contemplate why there is such fuss over his death. Admittedly, Jackson did not have a personal relationship with myself or the millions of other people that will undoubtedly mourn his death, but to millions around the world it will feel they have lost someone. Yes, it is weird that people should feel this way about a person they have never even had a conversation with, however from the age of 5 Jackson gave 45 years of his life to everybody else in the world, in doing so he will never be forgotten. MJ is the best artist ever and his influence on not only the music industry, but the world will forever live on.

His songs have been a soundtrack to so many people's lifes. People have been heartbroken to his songs (She's out of my life), Love sick to them (Remember the time/The way you make me feel etc), been mesmerised by the videos (Thriller/Smooth Criminal, Crooned to them on nights out (Blame it on the Boogie), and most importantly danced the night away to a number of his songs. His influence on the world of music (which is one of the greatest pleasures in life) has been phenomenal, for 4/5 decades his songs have been played acrossed the world and the tragedy of him dying when he was on the verge of another world tour has brought millions of people together. In addition to the effect he made on his adoring fans, many of todays current artists owe their careers to the influence that MJ had on them. The picture below explains how Jackson's influence on Hip Hop alone was huge....
It is highly doubtful that any other artist in the world (alive or dead) has helped other artists as much as MJ just by producing such legendary music themselves. And then there is MJ's legendary dancing and great conceptual videos, his dancing/choreography in videos such as Bad and Smooth Criminal set standards that many artists try and live up till this very day. The videos for these two songs also established a different type of music video, no longer would videos just involve the artist singing their song, Jackson showed that Music Videos were as important as the song and he brought his songs to life with the help of some of the best movie directors in the world.

MJ helped break racial barriers when he became the first black artist to be played on MTV. In doing so he helped pave the way for every black artist to come after him, he transceded music and dance all over the world, whilst also being a humanitarian who gave huge amounts of money to charities and those less fortunate. MJ is the best artist EVER and his influence on not only the music industry, but the world will forever live on.

R.I.P Michael Joseph Jackson