
"BNP Babes"

On www.vip2.co.uk/forum some of the funniest things that you will ever read are posted. Today it was this something, taken from Vice Magazine blog, this article is hilarious yet rather scary at the same time. Prepare to slap your forehead in frustration and shake your head vigorously...

What’s the best thing about living in Britain today?
I hate Britain, and I want to move to Spain in the next couple of years, ‘cos our country’s not England anymore. It’s very rare for English people to live here anymore. When I went to Lanzarote, I felt more English there than I do here, and that’s no exaggeration.

But won’t you then be an immigrant too?
Yeah but the answer to that is I would go over to their country and respect their country. I wouldn’t go over there and try and do suicidal bombs [sic]. The immigrants that come over to this country should be making this a good country and proud of it and helping this country, but most of them don’t.

The rest of the interviews can be read here..
