"She don't believe in shooting stars, but she believes in shoes and cars"
I love this line from flashing lights.
I think Kanye West perfectly summarise's what is wrong with alot of todays young females (in fact todays society in general).
On the other hand maybe what best describes our society, is that gold digging females like Heather "One Leg" Mills, do not need to have any positive input in making their partner successful to obtain millions in divorce settlements, maybe its the fact to get a television program on MTV in this day and age, all you need to be is rich and talentless (and you only need one of these to qualify by the way).
Myspace seems to have made celebrities out of the most ordinary of people, its not just musicians who can make themselves a fortune from the internet. It may seem a little harsh, but the most talentless people are able to make a myspace page in order to make themselves famous. Girls seem to have it the easiest, pose in your underwear, write a paragraph in your about me section, add hundreds upon hundreds of horny teenagers and BAM! youre in the big time.
Or if youre not into the whole social networking thing, just get a camcorder, do something really pathetic, put it in youtube and if its stupid enough i guarantee you will have a television program soon. I sound like a moany old man, but it seems that as human beings we value getting famous quick over anything else.
Our search for material wealth seems to be the be all and end all for most people.
Just look at children..
Girls as young as 10 are more interested in the latest fashions rather then taking time to grow up, mobile phones, ipods, jewelry, make up & shoes all seem to be valued over enjoying those precious years where you have to worry about very little. I know i would love to go back to the days of not paying bills, doing essays & having to do my own shopping. But kids would rather be like 'No talent' Hilton then do something decent.
We idolise the rich and famous so much that we cant wait to imitate them and as long as we are content with our own spoils, we will always moan about change but never actually be bothered to do anything about it.
To be honest i shouldnt be such a hypocrite i guess, i wear levi jeans, listen to lupe fiasco on my ipod and watch reality television. But at the same time i dont idolise any of these things like so many other people do, im not saying people shouldn't enjoy the riches around us just dont make life about such things.
I Shake my head when i see young teenage girls fretting about how they look, when in reality they should enjoy what they can now. And it makes me laugh that we idolise such talentless fools on television programs that are ran like animal experiments.
But hey, maybe i should just "click the red X in the top corner of the page".
Confessions Of A...
15 years ago
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