Story of the winner
So only one side we hear
Victorious in conquest
And all done through fear
Blood on their hands
As crimsons shores they have painted in another land
Children left fatherless...
and explanations they demand
White suits count the profits, of the oil contracts they have grabbed
They spare not a thought for those children who have lost their dads
But maybe they will learn after all
As outrage is made about the shocking death toll
Typical, they try to cover it all up by preaching of the changes they have made
and how now its a much better place
But the country they have torn to pieces sees it another way
Yet their complaints go unheard
and their anger grows day by day
Now the kid who was robbed of his father figure..
finds a solution for revenge
and since they used it on him why should he care..
So WAR he declares
In circles this whole fiasco goes
It appears there is no solution
As war has no end...
Confessions Of A...
15 years ago
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